Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The GT end inventory Guild Wars 2 "won the" Best Online Game "crown

    North America well-known game high-definition video site - GameTrailers (GT) inventory selection of all games in 2012, and officially announced the latest awards, "Guild Wars 2" in one fell swoop won the "Best Online Game of the Year" title to become the biggest winner . (1)

"Guild Wars 2" won the "Best Online Game of the Year" Award
Guild Wars 2 by ArenaNet (one of North America's top game production companies) research and development issue, once available on the majority of players are pushing. MMORPG masterpiece as a cross-age, "Guild Wars 2 combat system, career system many innovations can be described as unbeatable, and even praised as" a work change the game industry. "Because of its outstanding performance, which had been obtained IGN awarded the 2012 players to choose bonus award by the Times as the best game of the year 2012, more shine GameSpot's Award winning "the year's most best RPG "and" best PC Game "awards, is vote for the most innovative game. And recently won the GT "Best Online Game of the Year" title, turns out is up to its name, the good news again and again.Buy Guild Wars 2 gold

About GameTrailers
GameTrailers is a well-known high-definition video site in North America, specifically for TVGAME, upload game video content over the years has been to provide the fastest and most complete game video information to the global players in recent years, more frequently in cooperation with game makers in the game industry has a pivotal position.

"Guild Wars 2" China agent
"Guild Wars 2" national service agency operations by famous domestic carriers KongZhong. Localization of the server which are in full swing, the first test of the Chinese server can be expected, I believe we will soon be able to together and the players of the other countries of the world, enjoy the experience cross-era masterpiece brought to us by The ultimate gaming experience!

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